Monday, June 29, 2009

Softball stuff

Bailey was chosen for the 8 and under allstar team. Mike is coaching it again. They really have a good team! They took 4th place in a warm up tourney. We are now in the middle of the Subdistrict tourney. They beat the first team 27-4, and will play tonight and tomorrow night. She is doing a great job! She isn't the strongest player on the team, but she is the first one to pump the others up. I'm really enjoying seeing her interact with other girls and adults, too. It's kinda like watching her in a goldfish bowl...there aren't many times that I'm at a distance to just watch, usually I'm in the midst of the chaos...I'm learning alot about her! Isn't it funny, we've been together nearly everyday for 8 years, and there is so much about her I have yet to learn! She is a precious little girl, and I thank my God that he entrusted me with this wonderful gift!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Random funnies

Wyatt was busted in the bathroom getting into the lotion. He looked me right in the face and began chanting, "Wubbin de motin, wubbin de motion."

Bailey was telling Livi of all she isn't scared of. Livi balls up her fist and says, "Are you scared of this?"

Bailey saw Michael Jackson on the news yesterday and asked,"How does a black boy turn into a white woman?"

Livi got out of the pool and was changing clothes. "My butt is cold, momma. Wanna feel it, wanna feel my cold butt?"

Bailey helped Livi put powder on her black eye so it won't show. Baby powder.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's late, but TAG, YOU'RE IT

Tag you're it....
.....yes, anyone who reads this and has a blog!

20 Questions:

1. Do you own a box of crayons? Bits and pieces of many

2. Do you always wear a seatbelt? NO, we have the "do as I say, not as I do" rule

3. When do you shower most often? mornings

4. What is the last thing you purchased? Cascade and Oxyclean (and the stain lost)

5. How often do you remember your dreams? sometimes, I have a hard time telling if they are real or not, I dream very realistic dreams

6. How do you vent your anger? I holler alot, and then cry alot

7. Where were you on September 11, 2001? I was teaching 1st grade at Wiregrass Christian was hard to look at all those sweet faces all day and hold it together!

8. What is your ringtone? ringring.

9. What is one thing you're looking forward to? I'm random with ADD, I have bunches

10. Do you get eight hours of sleep each night? I didn't think that was allowed anymore

11. How is your mood today? A touch irritable with a dose of headache

12. Have you ever changed your clothes in a vehicle? Yes, but not in a long time

13. What is one thing you've learned about life? That worry won't change a thing, God is in control even when I'm not and especially when I think I am!

14. What is something you want to do within the next week? Have my house totally clean

15. Do you care what people think of you? too much

16. What scent are you wearing right now? blood, sweat and tears

17. What do you carry with you at all times? Bailey, Olivia, Wyatt

18. What was the last gift you gave someone? my time (no seriously)

19. What's one car you will never buy? the Batmobile

20. How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year? I would just spend it on stupid crap, so you'll have to come at me with something else

I'll do better this time, I promise!!

My ADHD prevents me from picking up from where I left off on the other blog. We've had a busy and productive year. Bailey will be in 3rd grade this fall...I'll let you know about some of her funny stuff on a down day! She won the title of Little Miss Wildcat in May. It is a little sportswear pageant put on by the high school cheerleaders. She'll get to do peprallies, games, parades and some other fun stuff. She is playing softball allstars right now and loving it!

Livi will start Kindergarten this year. She is reading very well and very excited about school. She played tball for the first time this year, and was only 1 of 2 girls with 11 boys! They were so chivalrous(?) with her! It was funny!

Wyatt is still alive! He is such a sweetheart, but I have much to catch you up on! ;>

For now, I'll just post some pics and make a solemn vow to do much, much better!